About Me

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I grew up at the base of the Teton Mountain Range in Idaho, in the most beautiful valley in the world. I started riding a horse as soon as I could walk and spent most of my summers riding horse bareback and singing at the top of my lungs all day long. I helped on the farm/cattle ranch that I grew up on, driving tractor and changing sprinkler pipe. At 14 I got a job cleaning motel rooms, then got the best job in the world, working for the Forest Service, counting people at the trail heads. I would spend the entire day sitting in the forest counting the number of people that went on hikes on certain trails. Sometimes I got to hike up into the back country and spend 10 days at a time and count the number of people that came up there. I did that for 3 summers during my high school years. It was awesome!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day

"Let Adversity Make You A Better Person"

 I've often wondered if anyone really "celebrates" Labor Day for the purpose that it was made a holiday.  For many years I wondered what the Labor Day holiday really was.  Did someone get together and think that Mom's needed a holiday for all the many hours that they "labored" bringing all the children into the world?  NOT!  I think that holiday is Mother's Day.  For some reason Labor Day just seems to be the last holiday of the summer when everybody tries to go camping, or you take the day to go to the Eastern Idaho State Fair, or something like that.  It just never seemed to me like there was a "meaning" behind it.  But, I do believe that it is given to all those of you/us who have "labored" all our days in putting food on the table, in providing for our families, and in providing jobs for others. Maybe I have it wrong.  If I do, then oh well, that's what I thought about this year and I am indeed grateful for my ancestors who worked hard to make this land free, and to those ancestors who worked hard to take sage brush and turn it into good farming and ranching ground.  I'm grateful for a Mom and Dad who worked hard to put food on the table and clothes on my back and especially because they taught me how to work and to provide for myself and for my family.  I guess, to me, that's what Labor Day is all about Charlie Brown.........

Anyway, so, we took the weekend and Ryan, Jenni and Nicole came up from Oregon and we went camping.  Ben, Amy, and Kaybrie came down from Idaho Falls and Grandma and Grandpa Beard even came down from Teton Valley for a little while to spend some time with us.  It was an awesome "end" to a good, short but good, summer.  There's nothing I would have wanted more than to spend the weekend with my family.


Tom got Ryan with a bucket full of water while Nicole and Bobby watched.

Nicole enjoying the cooooooooooold water...how does she do that?

Nicole...or is this a mermaid?

"The Boys" decided to race over to the little island.  The water was freezing cold.  This is Jeff, Ryan, Tom & Bobby

I think Bobby won the race.  From this distance they look like a bunch of studs....right?  Heh


Nicole and Kaybrie are so happy to see each other again!!!!

There are hugs and kisses all around...Ben, Kaybrie, Nicole, Amy, and Jenni

Grandpa Jeff and Nicole

Nicole and Uncle Bobby

Nicole and Uncle Tom

Grandma and Grandpa Beard(Dorlene and Virgil) came to spend time with us.  They were happy to see all of us and we were happy to see them.....


Ryan gave Dad/Jeff and Ben each a fishing creel.

 ...And some other fishing gear...water proof gloves.......

But, of course, they found other uses for the gifts too!



Jeff and Ryan

Ryan, Bobby, and Tom

Ben and Ryan--(Ben is holding Amy's yummy dessert treats!!!!)

Sweet daughters-in-law, Jenni and Amy

Tom and Kimberly Rodrigues enjoying the yummy hamburgers!

Jenni Hollinger Muench--happy to be here--and we are definitely happy that she is here!

Bobby and Amy Adams Muench--enjoying something "cool" to drink and some relaxation!

Well, it's hard to get these four together and not have one or all of them making a face.  This is about as good as it gets.  I'm just so excited that I had them all together.  It was an awesome, awesome day!!!!!  Ryan, Bobby, Tom, and Ben(and Ben isn't the one making the faces in this picture...heh!)

Ryan and Jenni's little precious one....Nicole Faith Muench

Kaybrie and Nicole are putting on a show of dancing for us

Look out!  Jenni's got a gun and she knows how to use it.  Is that a grimace Ryan?  Good thing it's just a BB gun.  We had fun shooting pop cans and water bottles.

Ben and Amy's beautiful little Kaybrie June Muench

Everyone enjoying grilled hamburgers and granny's(that's me) famous macaroni salad.  Nicole, Tom, Jeff, Ryan's back, Bobby, and Jenni.

Ryan...I love your new hat!  It's a new look for you!  Thumbs up!

I don't think the sun was too bright, I think Nicole was just trying to look "cool" with Uncle Tom's sunglasses.  I think she looks awesome!

You two must be related, you look just alike.
Beautiful girls...Amy and Kaybrie Muench

Nicole got a new sleeping bag just for this camping trip.
She's so excited and ready for bed!


Nicole is playing a serenade on Tom's violin before everyone goes to sleep.

The weekend was wonderful and it was great to have everyone there and together again.  It went way too fast and it will probably be at least Christmas time before we can all get together again.  But we need to cherish these wonderful moments when we are able to spend time together and laugh and play and get to know each other better.

Until next time!  Becky

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